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How much Does it Cost to Hire an HR Consultant in Pakistan?

HR Consultant in Pakistan

HR Consultant have various roles in different organizations, whereas for corporate, they focus on Research and Development, analysis, and planning. The main aim of HR is to give consultation to build a more suitable business environment that focuses on human resources.

The aim of an HR consultant can be many things, but one of the main things they focus on is improving human capital management by improving efficiency. This is done by placing business-centric plans and policies that can help explore and help both parties understand the main issue at hand. After identifying the problems, an HR consultant will bring solutions to help the business function more efficiently.

Many up-and-coming businesses have financial issues and cannot hire HR consultants full-time. Therefore, partnering with HR consultants in Pakistan and receiving experienced counseling without spending beyond the given limit is the main goal for many businesses.

However, this is why the HR consultant role is needed, and to understand this role better, we must first understand the responsibilities an HR company holds:

  • Defining the company's HR issues, goals, and requirements.
  • Researching to determine workforce problems or inefficiencies.
  • Developing HR strategies and company-specific models.
  • Recommending solutions and providing suggestions on HR procedures, methods, and tools.
  • Monitoring and reviewing human capital analytics to evaluate the efficacy of new policies.
  • Generating analytic reports and presentations for feedback to management.
  • They are ensuring that the operations and activities of the workforce are efficient and in the best interest of the company goals.
  • Helping with the recruitment and training of new employees.
  • Keep abreast of industry trends, tools, practices, and technological advancements.

Therefore, realizing how important these roles are in a business makes us think and genuinely wonder how an HR consultant should charge?

There are several ways

  • An hourly rate/fee.
  • A daily or half-day rate/fee depends upon the assignment's nature.
  • There is a project rate or fee to handle the longer-term assignment, like writing an employee handbook.
  • A retainer.After considerable research, many companies in Pakistan hire an HR consultant in the range of $1000 - $5000.
